Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Changing U.S. demographics, diversity-focused health care systems and persistent health inequities — both domestic and international — are the forces that spurred an initiative accelerating and expanding our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. 

Our strategic and evaluation plans are centered on the themes of diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice and are tailored to focus on four areas: 


Leadership &


& Retention




Education, Research,
Scholarship & Service


Diversity Statement

We cultivate excellence in teaching and learning, research and service through equal access to resources, opportunities and advancement for all members of our community. We foster a culture in which we acknowledge, discuss and address privilege to increase success among marginalized people. Our community commits to engaging in the dynamic process of promoting equity and social justice.



Excellence in Diversity

Recognized for Diversity

In recognition of its commitment to diversity, GW Nursing was awarded the 2018 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education.

INSIGHT Into Diversity, Health Professions, Higher Education in Diversity Award, 2018

Gw Nursing Diversity Council

Adriana Glenn


Adriana Glenn

Interim Associate Dean
for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;
RN-BSN Program Director & Academic Coach;
Assistant Professor





Sydnae Law

Director, Community Engagement & Partnership Operations





Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources

Select Faculty Publications

Greene, J., El-Banna, M.M, Briggs, L., & Park, J. (2017). Gender differences in nurse practitioner salaries, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP), 29 (11), 667–672. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2327-6924.12512

El-Banna, M. & Kesten, K. (2022) Innovative and Diverse Strategies to Implement Inclusive DNP Projects to Meet Organization Strategic Goals and Advance Healthcare Equity, Nursing Research.

Glenn, A. D. & Claman, F. (2017). Using a low fidelity simulation to enhance cultural awareness and emotional intelligence. Nursing Education Perspective (accepted).

McKay, E.A., Placencio-Castro, M., Harris, A., Kelly-Weeder, S., Fontenot, H. Development and psychometric testing of a scale to measure sexual minority-inclusivity in sex education. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, in press.

Le, D., Kim, H.J., Wen, K.Y., Juon, H.S. (2022). Disparities in awareness of the HPV vaccine and HPV-associated cancers among racial/ethnic minority populations: 2018 HINTS. Ethn Health, 31:1-15. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2022.2116630. Epub ahead of print.

Wyche, K. F., & Miles-Cohen, S. (in press). SES, social class, subjective social status and subjective well-being: Examples of women’s appraisals of their health and work. In C. Travis & J. White (Eds). Handbook of the psychology of women. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association


Located in 108H within Suite 108 of Innovation Hall, the Interfaith Prayer & Meditation Room (The Room) is intended to provide a tranquil and inclusive space for students, faculty, and staff to engage in personal contemplation, prayer, meditation, and reflection. It is our goal to promote understanding and inclusivity, as well as to provide a welcoming environment for people of all faiths and backgrounds.

In order to ensure clarity and understanding for all users of The Room, it is important to provide a comprehensive outline of the hours of operation, rules, regulations, and etiquette to be observed within the facility. This information will help to facilitate a safe and respectful space. Therefore, we kindly request that all users of the The Room adhere to the following guidelines in order to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment for all.

Purpose and Scope

The Room, located in 108H within Suite 108 of Innovation Hall at The George Washington University School of Nursing, is intended to provide a tranquil and inclusive space for students, faculty, and staff to engage in personal contemplation, prayer, meditation, and reflection. This guideline governs the utilization of the room and outlines guidelines to ensure respectful and equitable use of the room.

Hours of Operation

The Room will be accessible from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Users are expected to adhere to the designated hours of operation

Access and Security

Access to Suite 108 and the room is granted to all School of Nursing community members, including students, faculty, and staff. The side door to Suite 108 (by the hallway to classroom 107) will remain unlocked during the designated hours of operation, and Students are required to use this door to access the room.


The room is primarily intended for personal contemplation, prayer, meditation, and reflection across various religious and spiritual beliefs. Users are expected to maintain a quiet and respectful atmosphere within the room, understanding that the room may be shared by individuals of diverse backgrounds. Users of the room are expected to behave in a respectful and considerate manner. Disruptive activities, including but not limited to loud conversations, music, open flame, or burning of materials with a device or scent-producing substances, are strictly prohibited. Users are advised to silence their electronic devices while within the room.

The room can accommodate a maximum of four individuals. In the event that the room is occupied, kindly wait or locate an alternative area. Users should be considerate of how long they are using the room if others are waiting.

Personal Belongings

Users are solely responsible for their personal belongings brought into the room. The University is not liable for any loss, theft, or damage to personal items left unattended in the room.

Religious and Cultural Artifacts

The room is not open to displaying religious and cultural artifacts.


Failure to adhere to this guideline may result in restricted access to the room. The university reserves the right to modify or terminate access to the room based on violations of this guideline.

Feedback and Concerns

Users are encouraged to provide feedback or voice concerns regarding the utilization of The Room to the Student Services or Director of Operations. This input will help maintain a positive and inclusive environment within the room.